2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Religion (GPS)
This plan outlines a four-year path to graduation. You are expected to satisfy all “success marker” courses, grades, and GPAs as specified. For part-time students and students needing to complete background material, this schedule represents the order in which courses should be taken. This suggested plan to four-year graduation does not replace regular advising appointments. Some course offerings may change.
Total: 16 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; complete ENG 1100 with C or better Total: 16 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; complete one language course with C or better. Term Three
- PHL 3000 - Critical Thinking Credit Hour(s): 3
- Intermediate Language Course (2010 level) Credit Hour(s): 3*
- REL Course - Religion 3000-level Area 1 Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE - Wright State Core Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE - Wright State Core Course Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; complete one MTH course. Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; complete ENG 2100 with C or better. Term Five
- REL Course - Religion 3000-Level Area 3 Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- REL Elective - Religion Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- Research Methods Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better Term Six
- REL Course - Religion 3000-Level Area 4 Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- REL Elective - Religion Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; complete 20 upper-level credits; complete REL 2050 with C or better. Term Seven
- REL Course - Religion 3000-Level Area 5 Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- REL Elective - Religion Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better Term Eight
- REL 4930 - Seminar in Religion Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 4
Total: 13 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better Note(s):
*Languages include Arabic (ARA), American Sign Language (ASL), Chinese (CHI), French (FR), German (GER), Greek (GR), Latin (LAT), and Spanish (SPN). **REL 2040 and REL 2320 double count as both Core courses and Major requirements. GRADUATION REQUIRES 120 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS. 42 HOURS MUST BE AT THE 3000 LEVEL OR ABOVE. Program Description
Religion is an essential dimension of human thought and experience. It shapes our history, culture, values, and beliefs. It influences debates on a diverse range of issues, including global terrorism and political ideologies, gender and racial equality, ethics and social justice. The Religion Department offers courses in all the great world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese and Japanese Religions. We teach a variety of courses on Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and American Religious History. In addition, we offer cross-cultural and thematic courses that examine particular topics, including women and religion, religion and politics, human rights, ethics, religious pluralism, mythology, mysticism, and film. Department faculty use an academic, non-confessional methodology in teaching religion. In our classes we analyze religious beliefs, practices, texts, and institutions both descriptively and critically as intellectual, historical, and cultural phenomena. We do not argue for the truth of one, all, or no religion. |