2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Oct 03, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Combined Electrical Engineering, BSEE & Electrical Engineering, MSEE

Program Description

The combined B.S. in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.) /M.S. in Electrical Engineering (M.S.E.E.) program allows students to earn a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering in 5 years. Up to 9 semester credit hours of graduate electives at the EE 6000/7000 level may be double-counted and applied to both the B.S. and the M.S degree requirements.

Admission Requirements

  • Full-time student
  • Electrical engineering major
  • Have accumulated at least 90 credit hours toward the B.S.E.E. degree
  • Completed the full-major courses EE 3310, EE 3450, and EE 4000 with a minimum GPA of 3.3
  • Minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.3
  • Complete the admission application.

Once admitted to the program the student must complete a program of study for the M.S. in Electrical Engineering

B.S. Program Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program will have:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
  • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
  • An ability to apply understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  • An ability to communicate effectively
  • An understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
  • A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life‐long learning
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practices

M.S. Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Master’s of Science in Electrical Engineering program shall:

  • Have the ability to synthesize diverse electrical engineering concepts to solve complex problems
  • Have the ability to bring current analyses and tools to bear on a wide range of problems
  • Have the ability to model, analyze, simulate, and realize new electrical engineering technologies through the application of current theory, design, and validation techniques

For More Information

Program Requirements:

The program includes WSU CORE in BSEE, BSEE pre-major, BSEE full-major, BSEE technical and non-technical electives, and MSEE courses and requirements.

I. BSEE, Wright State CORE: 43 Hours

Mathematics: 4 Hours

Global Traditions - Interdisciplinary Global Studies: 3 Hours

Select Interdisciplinary Global Studies course from the list of WSU CORE Element 3 courses that also satisfy Intensive Writing (IW) and Multicultural (MC) competencies.

Global Traditions - History: 3 Hours

Arts/Humanities: 3 Hours

Select one course from WSU CORE Element 4.

Social Science: 6 Hours

Select WSU CORE courses from two different disciplines that satisfy Intensive Writing (IW) and Multicultural (MC) compentencies.  EE students are advised to take one 3-hour course from the economics (EC) courses in WSU CORE Element 5.

Additional Core Courses: 8 Hours

II. BSEE, Required Courses: 72 Hours

EE pre-major courses beyond WSU CORE: 13 Hours

EE pre-major courses must be completed with at least a 2.25 GPA before promotion to EE full major. 

EE full-major courses beyond WSU CORE: 50 Hours

Full major courses emphasize design of electronic and electrical components, devices, algorithms, and systems.  Students must complete the following courses with a WSU GPA of at least 2.0 to receive Departmental approval to enroll in EE 4910 Senior Design 1 and EE 4920 Senior Design 2.

Senior Design Preparation in BSEE Program.
MTH 2320MTH 2350
EE 3210EE 4000
EE 3260EGR 3350
EE 3310EE 3310L
EE 3450EE 3450L
at least 7 hours of EE 4000-level courses (except EE 4910, EE 4920, EE 4810, EE 4820, EE 4830).

B.S. - M.S. Dual Credit Electives: 9 Hours

Complete 9 credit hours of CS/CEG/EE/MTH/PHY 6000 or 7000 level coursework according to an approved M.S.E.E. graduation plan.

III. BSEE, General Electives: 5 Hours

Redundant courses, e.g., EE 2011/L, EE 3510, ISE 2211, MS 2040, STT 3630, ST 2640 will not be accepted. 

IV. MSEE Program Requirements: 21 Hours

The following requirements must be met for the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree:

  1. Completion of 30 graduate credit hours (in courses numbered 6000 or above) in a program of study as approved by the Electrical Engineering Graduate Program Director no later than the second term of graduate coursework. ​
  2. Students under the 4+1 program may use up to 9 graduate credit hours of EE-prefix coursework completed as part of the BSEE program to satisfy the 30 graduate credit hour minimum.
  3. Up to 12 of the total 30 graduate credit hours may be at the 6000 level.
  4. At least 24 of the total 30 graduate credit hours must have an EE (electrical engineering) prefix.
  5. At least 18 of the total 30 graduate credit hours must be courses numbered 7000 or above.
  6. At least 12 of the total 30 graduate credit hours must be EE 7000-level or above.
  7. At most 8 hours of Graduate-Program-Director-approved graduate transfer credit may be applied toward graduation.
  8. Elective courses must be selected from an approved list, which is available from the Department of Electrical Engineering.
  9. Students may count up to 2 credit hours of EE 7990 (Independent Study), or 1 credit hour of EE 7990 and 1 credit hour of EE 7910/7920 CPT (internship in EE).
  10. No more than 6 graduate credit hours of C grades may be counted toward graduation. Of the maximum total of 6 graduate credit hours of C, no more than 2 of these may correspond to Laboratory courses.
  11. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for graduation.
  12. Students must complete at least three courses from one of the specialization tracks and at least two of three must be 7000 level or above.
  13. Students may choose a thesis option or a non-thesis option. Students employed as teaching or research assistants through the Graduate School must choose the thesis option.  The thesis option consists of a research project satisfying all requirements of the Graduate School. The final report (thesis) must be completed and successfully defended in an oral examination before a faculty committee. Students may count up to 9 credit hours of thesis research project (EE 7990) toward the 30 graduate credit hour requirement.  Students who choose the non-thesis option must complete 30 hours of graduate coursework that satisfy items 1 through 12 above.

BSEE and MSEE Total: 141 Hours

Graduation Planning Strategy