2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BME 3512 - Bioelectronics II

Credit Hour(s): 4
Modern electronic devices/circuits applied to human systems / biomedical applications, instrumentation, data collection. Reactive components, filters, semiconductors, op-amps, digital logic circuits in biomedical applications and devices. Hands-on laboratory component provides experience in designing, assembling, testing, and employing amplifiers, filters, digital logic circuits used for collecting and analyzing data related to biomedical engineering applications.
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level BME 3511 Minimum Grade of D
Corequisite(s): BME3512L
Enrollment Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Degrees: Intending Egr & CS, Pre_Degree. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

Level: Undergraduate
Schedule Type(s): Lecture