Feb 05, 2025
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BME 3511 - Bioelectronics I Credit Hour(s): 4 Electronic theory applied to biomedical / human systems (physiological measurements, medical devices, prosthetics, medical imaging). Passive components, voltage/current sources, switches/relays. Circuit/network analysis using law/theorems (Ohm, Joules, Kirchhoff, Thevenin/Norton). Hands-on laboratory component reinforces an understanding of biomedical electronic systems and devices using function generators, multi-meters, oscilloscopes to measure voltage, current, impedance, frequency. Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level MTH 2300 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level PHY 2410 Minimum Grade of D Corequisite(s): BME3511L Enrollment Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Degrees: Intending Egr & CS, Pre_Degree. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.
Level: Undergraduate Schedule Type(s): Lecture