Feb 01, 2025
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chemistry, BA (GPS)
This plan outlines a four-year path to graduation. You are expected to satisfy all “success marker” courses, grades, and GPAs as specified. For part-time students and students needing to complete background material, this schedule represents the order in which courses should be taken. This suggested plan to four-year graduation does not replace regular advising appointments. Some course offerings may change.
Term Eight
- ELECTIVE - Chemistry Elective Credit Hour(s): 4
- ELECTIVE - Non-CoSM or CECS Electives Credit Hour(s): 6
- ELECTIVE - General Electives Credit Hour(s): 5
Program Description
The Bachelor of Arts curriculum is designed to prepare undergraduate students for entrance into medical, dental or other professional schools. In order to develop their academic programs to meet specific needs and individual interests, students should consult their academic advisors.
The Bachelor of Arts degree candidate is required to complete the chemistry, mathematics, and physics course sequences in the degree program outline. The general elective requirement may be satisfied with any course sequence in the College of Science and Mathematics (COSM) or the College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS), including additional chemistry courses, life sciences courses or individual research projects (CHM 4990 ). Chemistry majors who are Bachelor of Arts degree candidates are required also to complete 18 credit hours outside the Colleges of Science and Mathematics and Engineering and Computer Science. This requirement may not be satisfied with WSU Core requirements.
Career Opportunities
For career information, please visit Wright State University Career Services:
The American Chemical Society (ACS, http://www.acs.org) is dedicated to providing Members and Affiliates with the best tools with which to explore the numerous career options available within the World of Chemistry. Each year the American Chemical Society (ACS) performs a number of surveys related to employment of chemists. The results of these surveys are published in the Society’s journal Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) and are available online at http://pubs.acs.org/cen/. An extensive collection of career related material is available at the ACS website (www.acs.org/careers). The information includes career advice, profiles of chemists and results of numerous surveys.