Feb 08, 2025
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Technical Study, Agriculture, Lake Campus (GPS)
This plan outlines a two-year path to graduation. You are expected to satisfy all “success marker” courses, grades, and GPAs as specified. For part-time students and students needing to complete background material, this schedule represents the order in which courses should be taken. This suggested plan to two-year graduation does not replace regular advising appointments. Some course offerings may change.
Term Two
- FAS 2040 - Introduction to Agronomy Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE - Wright State Core Additional Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - Approved Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - FAS Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE- Wright State Core Element 2 Credit Hour(s): 3
Term Three
- FAS 2030 - Introduction to Animal Science Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - FAS Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - FAS Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - Approved Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE - Wright State Core Element 6 Credit Hour(s): 4
Term Four
- FAS 2100 - Farm Business Management Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - FAS Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - FAS Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - Approved Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- Elective - Approved Elective Credit Hour(s): 2
Program Description
An Agricultural program designed to include constant contact with farming professionals through remote classroom work, internships and cross-country trips. On-campus classes in advanced soils, farm management, veterinary anatomy and ag technology are balanced with trips to Cooper Farms, Bush Dairy, even California. |