Feb 07, 2025
2024-2025 Academic Catalog
Office Information Systems, Legal Administrative Assistant (GPS)
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This plan outlines a two-year path to graduation. You are expected to satisfy all “success marker” courses, grades, and GPAs as specified. For part-time students and students needing to complete background material, this schedule represents the order in which courses should be taken. This suggested plan to two-year graduation does not replace regular advising appointments. Some course offerings may change.
Total: 18 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: | *Must pass with 30 wpm or better **Must pass with grade of C. | Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: | * Must have completed OIS 1070 or permission of instructor ** Must have completed OIS 1070 | Total: 16 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: | * Must have Sophomore status ** Must have a gradepoint average of 2.75 or Sophomore status | Program Description
Preparing legal documents for court action or any correspondence involving legal acts, rights, offenses and ethics requires a precise understanding of form and terminology. Accuracy is vital for the legal administrative assistant. The legal administrative assistant program combines training and practice in office procedures, while teaching the nomenclature of law. Included is a basic introduction to terminology, office procedures, document processing, law and ethics and computer technology. Career Opportunities
The Legal Administrative Assistant Option prepares students to move into entry-level and mid-level management positions once they have gained employment experience. Graduates of the program may obtain the following positions: legal researcher, victim advocate, bailiff, transcriptionist, or legal administrative assistant. The student learns professional conduct, keyboarding and speedwriting skills, writing skills, legal terminology, legal transcription, and computer software operations. For career information, please visit Wright State University Career Services: http://www.wright.edu/careerservices Campus Contact Information
Faculty Contact Information: H. Roger Fulk 254 Dwyer Hall or 185 Andrews Hall 419-586-0337/0313 roger.fulk@wright.edu Additional Comments
Students need no special coursework to enter the A.A.B. in Office Information Systems: Legal Administrative Assistant option. Must have 2.0 GPA to graduate. |
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