2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Combined Biomedical Engineering, BS & Biomedical Engineering, MS
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Program Description
The combined B.S. in Biomedical Engineering/M.S. in Biomedical Engineering program allows students to earn a B.S. in biomedical engineering and a M.S. in biomedical engineering in 5 years. Up to 9 semester credit hours of graduate courses at the BME 6000/7000 level may be double-counted and applied to both the B.S. and M.S. degree requirements.
Admission Requirements
- Completion of at least 75 semester credit hours toward the B.S. degree
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3
- No grade lower than a B in any engineering course prior to admission into the combined degree program
- Complete the Combined BS/MS Degree Program application and a graduate program of study
B.S. Program Educational Objectives
Wright State's BME program will produce biomedical engineers who will learn to:
- Engage in a career path in BME or a related field.
- Participate in life-long learning through continuing professional education.
- Work in a team environment, including multidisciplinary teams, and communicate effectively, both in written form and orally.
B.S. Program Learning Outcomes
As a result of their learning experience, graduates of this program can:
- Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
- Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
- Communicate effectively with a range of audiences
- Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
- Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
- Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
M.S. Program Learning Outcomes
As a result of their learning experience, graduates of this program can:
- Apply techniques and tools for the design and implementation of biomedical systems;
- Communicate effectively in written and oral form, at a high level of knowledge;
- Work in teams.
For More Information
I. Wright State Core: 45 Hours
Global Traditions: 6 hours
Natural Science: 10 Hours
Additional Core Courses: 9 Hours
II. Department Courses: 24 Hours
III. CECS Courses: 21 Hours
V. Double-Counted Courses: 9 Hours
3 courses from an approved list Up to 9 hours of 4000 level required courses or technical electives must be taken at the 6000 level for dual undergraduate/graduate credit. VI. Graduate Program Requirements: 30 Hours
The following requirements must be met for the Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering degree. Courses can be used to fulfill requirements in more than one category. Requirement categories are not mutually exclusive. - Completion of 30 graduate credit hours, including up to 9 credit hours taken as dual credit.
- At least 24 of the 30 graduate credit hours must be BIE department courses numbered 6000 or above.
- At least 9 of the 30 graduate credit hours must be BIE department courses numbered 7000 or above.
- At least 6 of the total 30 graduate credit hours must be approved courses in mathematics, statistics, or computer science.
- A maximum of 4 credit hours of independent study may count toward the degree requirement of 30 graduate credit hours.
- Students may choose a thesis option or a 30 credit hours advanced course work option. The thesis option consists of a research project satisfying all requirements of the Graduate School. The final report (thesis) must be completed and successfully defended in an oral examination before the major committee. Up to 8 credit hours of BME 7950 Thesis Research in Biomedical Engineering, may count toward the degree requirement of 30 graduate credit hours.
Mathematics/Statistics/Computation: 6 hours Department Courses: Min. 12 hours BME 7000-7999; IHE 7000-7999
Program Courses: Min. 18 hours
BME 6000-7999 Thesis Option: Max 8 hours
C. 7000-level coursework: Min. 9 hours
BME 7000-7999; IHE 7000-7999 Pre-Medicine Concentration
I. Wright State Core: 45 Hours
Global Traditions: 6 Hours
Natural Science: 10 Hours
Additional Core Courses: 9 Hours
II. Department Courses: 20 Hours
III: CECS Courses: 21 Hours
V. Electives: 3 Hours
1 course from an approved list
Up to 9 hours of 4000 level required courses or technical electives must be taken at the 6000 level for dual undergraduate/graduate credit, if not completed in element II.
VI. Graduate Program Requirements: 30 Hours
The following requirements must be met for the Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering degree. Courses can be used to fulfill requirements in more than one category. Requirement categories are not mutually exclusive. - Completion of 30 graduate credit hours, including up to 9 credit hours taken as dual credit.
- At least 24 of the 30 graduate credit hours must be BIE department courses numbered 6000 or above.
- At least 9 of the 30 graduate credit hours must be BIE department courses numbered 7000 or above.
- At least 6 of the total 30 graduate credit hours must be approved courses in mathematics, statistics, or computer science.
- A maximum of 4 credit hours of independent study may count toward the degree requirement of 30 graduate credit hours.
- Students may choose a thesis option or a 30 credit hours advanced course work option. The thesis option consists of a research project satisfying all requirements of the Graduate School. The final report (thesis) must be completed and successfully defended in an oral examination before the major committee. Up to 8 credit hours of BME 7950 Thesis Research in Biomedical Engineering, may count toward the degree requirement of 30 graduate credit hours.
A. Mathematics/Statistics/Computation: 6 hours
Department courses with a mathematics or statistics content include IHE 6150 , IHE 7050, IHE 7300 , IHE 7510 , or others as approved.
B. 7000-Level Coursework: Min. 9 Hours
BME 7000-7999; IHE 7000-7999
C. Department Courses: Min. 24 Hours
BME 6000-7999; IHE 6000-7999
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