Program Description:
Students interested in a rewarding career in the nonprofit sector should consider the Nonprofit Administration Certificate Program. Urban Affairs offers the certificate through American Humanics (AH), a national alliance of colleges, universities, and nonprofit organizations. The purpose of the program is to prepare undergraduate students for management positions in the nonprofit sector. The AH Nonprofit Administration Certificate Program is open to students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in any major. To be accepted into the program, a student must have at least a 2.5 GPA, formally apply to the program, and successfully complete an interview with the AH Program Director. Wright State now offers the AH Nonprofit Administration Certificate Program at the graduate level.
Students seeking the AH certificate must take up to 18 credit hours of approved course work, complete a 300-hour internship, participate in co-curricular activities, and attend the American Humanics National Management Institute Conference. Co-curricular activities include participation in the Wright State University’s American Humanics Student Association and at least one annual retreat. For more information, please contac the Department of Urban Affairs Studies and Geography, 225 Millett Hall, (937) 775-4451.
Professors Oshiro, Levine
Associate Professor Choudhury, Dustin (chair), Killian, McLellan, Subban, Wenning