Program Description:
Earth Sciences
The department offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in earth sciences and earth sciences education. Both programs are designed to include earth and related sciences and to prepare students for graduate study or professional employment. Professional earth scientists are employed in protecting and enhancing natural resources (environment, surface, and ground waters), as well as in exploring for new resources (oil, gas, and minerals). The Bachelor of Science program is more highly structured and through the various options offered is intended to prepare students for specific professional or technical careers. The Bachelor of Arts program is intended to be more flexible and to permit students with either broad or specialized interests to fulfill their program needs. The Bachelor of Arts program readily permits interdisciplinary programs such as a dual major in an unrelated field.
Students who have taken the General Education Earth and Environmental Sciences sequence (1000 level) are not required to take EES 2510 and EES 2550 .
Environmental Health Sciences
Wright State University’s program is one of only 32 nationwide accredited by the National Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation Council. The curriculum in environmental health sciences provides students with a sound academic background and the specialized training needed to work effectively in several areas involving environmental quality management. Career opportunities include work in public health and environmental protection agencies, environmental consulting firms and analytical laboratories, and health and safety programs in industries, as well as in natural resource management. The program also prepares students for graduate programs in public health and environmental sciences. A field internship program, operated in cooperation with participating environmental health agencies or industries, gives students an opportunity to gain practical work experience.
Environmental Sciences
The Environmental Sciences Concentration is designed to provide students with: (1) an understanding of the complex interactions that contribute to modern environmental issues; (2) the ability to discuss environmental issues with scientific and lay audiences; (3) proficiencies in both laboratory and field techniques; (4) a basic understanding of environmental policy; and (5) a solid foundation in the physical and biological sciences. Courses in the concentration address complex environmental issues (such as acid rain, pollution, and water quality degradation) and provide training in modern field and laboratory techniques.
Professors Barton, Dominic (Chair), Gregor (emeritus), Ritzi, Slattery, Wolfe (Emeritus)
Associate Professors Agrawal, Cheng, Ciampaglio (WSU-Lake Campus), Hammerschmidt, Hauser, Hunt, Teed, Watts
Senior Lecturer Brown
Instructors Bourne, Hundley
Honors Program
Candidates for the B.A. or B.S. degree who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better may apply at the end of their junior year for admission to the departmental honors program. Requirements for graduation with honors are a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and satisfactory completion of a senior thesis under the guidance of a faculty member. The thesis requires a total of four to six credits of EES 4960 - Senior Thesis Research . Students may choose the topic from any branch of earth and environmental sciences; current course listings in this catalog may be taken as a rough indication of the range available.
Application forms for the honors program are available in the department office and require the following:
- A summary proposal of the senior thesis topic;
- Expected date of graduation (which must be at least two full semesters, not including summer, after the date of the application);
- The endorsement of the student’s departmental advisor and that of the senior thesis advisor, if not the same