Program Description:
The Department of Physics offers programs leading either to a Bachelor of Science degree or a Bachelor of Arts degree in physics. The Department of Physics and the Department of Electrical Engineering jointly offer a program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree in engineering physics; see the Engineering Physics section of the College of Engineering and Computer Science section for more information on this program. Students in secondary education may earn the Bachelor of Arts degree in physics and enter the Professional Year Experience program of the College of Education and Human Services for licensure in physics physical sciences, life sciences/physics, or earth sciences/physics.
Minimum requirements for the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in physics include successfully completing the required courses, with a GPA of at least 2.0 for all physics courses, as well as completing university and college degree requirements.
In addition to the required courses, the department requires, for the Bachelor of Science degree, that every physics major take PHY 4940 .
Professors Brown, Hunt, Lew Yan Voon (chair), Skinner
Associate Professors Basista, Clark, Farlow, Foy, Kozlowski, Tebbens
Assistant Professors Deibel, Koenig, Petkie, Tosa
Research Faculty Fang, Fox, Gershenzon, Look
Adjunct Faculty Hangartner, Reo
Dual Major Program in Physics and Mathematics
The dual major in physics and mathematics is designed for students majoring in physics who wish to gain a strong background in mathematics. This can be particularly valuable for those planning graduate study.
Since the physics major program for the Bachelor of Science degree requires 34 hours of mathematics, and the mathematics component of the major requires 45 hours, 11 additional hours of mathematics need to be taken.