Program Description:
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers several programs leading to a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or statistics, as well as minor programs in mathematics and in statistics. Master of Science programs are available as well.
Professors Arasu, Dombrowski, Evans, Fang (chair), Farrell, C. Huang, Q. Huang, Khamis, Mathews, Miller, Pedersen, Ratnaparkhi, Rutter (Emeritus), Seoh, Svobodny, Tarpey, Turyn, Voss (Associate Dean), Wang
Associate Professors Chen, Ho, Kaplan, Kinateder, Loi, Mercer, Reed, Slilaty, Tian, Vance
Assistant Professors Abador (WSU-Lake Campus), Appova, Boester, Hawley (WSU-Lake Campus), Li, Liu, Sun, Zhou
Lecturers Brackenridge, Dahl, Diesslin, Douglas, Lester, Otto, Wellinghoff, Zizzo
Instructors Maimon, Snellings-Neal
Major Programs
The Bachelor of Science in mathematics program offers four concentrations: pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computing, and mathematics education. These four programs as well as the Bachelor of Science in Statistics program are adaptable to many postgraduation goals, ranging from various scientific or professional careers to graduate school. The Bachelor of Arts program provides a broad background in mathematics with a liberal arts orientation.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics participates in the dual major program, leading to either the B.A. or the B.S. degree. For example, dual majors are available with computer science, engineering, and physics.
Students must have at least a 2.5 GPA in MTH 2290 and 2300 (or equivalent courses), with a C or better in both courses, to be accepted in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Students must complete one of the major programs described below. Each program includes General Education requirements, departmental requirements, related course requirements, and general electives. The departmental component consists of required courses and electives in mathematics and statistics. Students must achieve at least a 2.0 GPA in the courses numbered 3000 or higher used to satisfy this component. The general electives may be taken outside the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Each mathematics major is assigned an advisor from the department faculty. As early as possible in their college career, students should consult with their advisor on the important choice of a concentration. Likewise, students should confer with their advisor to discuss which courses to take and when to take them. Advising materials are available in the department office to help mathematics majors in these choices. However, there is no substitute for regular, in-person consultation with the faculty advisor. Moreover, the advisor must approve all courses intended to satisfy program requirements.