Program Description:
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers the Master of Science degree in mathematics. The graduate program is designed to provide a solid foundation for further professional training or careers in teaching, industry, or government. Degree requirements are flexible, allowing considerable latitude in tailoring the course of study to individual preferences. Two concentrations are available: mathematics and applied mathematics. The mathematics concentration is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in mathematics or the equivalent. The applied mathematics concentration is designed not only for persons with undergraduate training in mathematics, but also for those with degrees in related disciplines, such as engineering and science, who want a solid foundation in mathematics. All required courses are offered in the late afternoon or evening.
Admissions Requirements:
Applicants for admission are expected to meet the general requirements for admission to graduate study as established by the School of Graduate Studies. In addition, applicants must present post-calculus courses in mathematics, as well as related course requirements appropriate for the intended program of study. The specific undergraduate preparation required for each of the department’s two degree options forms part of the description of each option.
K. T. Arasu, combinatorics
Joanne M. Dombrowski, functional analysis, operator theory
Anthony B. Evans, finite geometry, graph theory
Weifu Fang (Chair), applied mathematics, partial differential equations, inverse problems
Ann M. Farrell, mathematics education
Chaocheng Huang, partial differential equations
Qingbo Huang, partial differential equations, harmonic analysis
Susann Mathews, mathematics education
David F. Miller, optimization
Steen Pedersen, operator theory
Thomas P. Svobodny, applied mathematics
Larry Turyn, differential equations, applied analysis
Associate Professors
Yuqing Chen, discrete mathematics
Lop-Fat Ho, optimal control, duality theory
Alexander J. Kaplan, functional analysis
Xiaoyu Liu, combinatorics
Phan Loi, operator theory
Richard Mercer, operator algebras, mathematical physics
Michelle Reed, mathematics education
Dan Slilaty, graph theory, matroid theory, topology
Emily Tian, applied mathematics
James T. Vance Jr., Fourier analysis
Assistant Professors
Aina Appova, mathematics education
Timothy Boester, mathematics education
Qun Li, geometric analysis, partial differential equations
Xiangqian Zhou, discrete mathematics