Feb 01, 2025
2012-2015 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Philosophy (GPS)
This plan outlines a four-year path to graduation. You are expected to satisfy all “success marker” courses, grades, and GPAs as specified. For part-time students and students needing to complete background material, this schedule represents the order in which courses should be taken. This suggested plan to four-year graduation does not replace regular advising appointments. Some course offerings may change.
Total: 16 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; Complete ENG 1100 with C or better
Term Two
- CORE - Wright State Core Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- LAN 1020 - Beginning Language II* Credit Hour(s): 3
- Sci Course - Wright State Science Course Credit Hour(s): 4
- CORE - Wright State Core Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 16 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better
Term Three
- PHL Area 1 - Philosophy Area 1 Credit Hour(s): 3
- LAN 2010 - Intermediate Language I* Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE - Wright State Core Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE - Wright State Core Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE - Wright State Core Course Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; Complete one MTH course; Complete one LAN course
Term Four
- PHL Area 2 - Philosophy Area 2 Credit Hour(s): 3
- LAN 2020 - Intermediate Language II* Credit Hour(s): 3
- ENG 2100 - Research Writing and Argumentation Credit Hour(s): 3
- CORE - Wright State Core Course Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; Complete ENG 2100 with C or better
Term Five
- PHL Area 3 - Philosophy Area 3 Credit Hour(s): 3
- PHL Elective - Philosophy Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- QT Course - Qualitative or Quantitative Thinking Course Credit Hour(s): 3 **
- UL Elective - Upper-Level Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 4
Total: 16 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better
Term Six
- PHL Area 4 - Philosophy Area 4 Credit Hour(s): 3
- PHL Elective - Philosophy Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- QT Course - Qualitative or Quantitative Thinking Course Credit Hour(s): 3 **
- UL Elective - Upper-Level Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 4
Total: 16 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better; Complete 20 upper-level credits
Term Seven
- PHL Elective - Philosophy Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- PHL Elective - Philosophy Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- UL Elective - Upper-Level Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- UL Elective - Upper-Level Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better
Term Eight
- PHL Elective - Philosophy Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- PHL Elective - Philosophy Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- UL Elective - Upper-Level Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- UL Elective - Upper-Level Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
- GE - General Elective Credit Hour(s): 3
Total: 15 Credit Hours
SUCCESS MARKERS: Maintain GPA of 2.0 or better
*Languages include Arabic (ARA), American Sign Language (ASL), Chinese (CHI), French (FR), German (GER), Greek (GR), Italian (ITA), Japanese (JPN), Latin (LAT), Russian (RUS), and Spanish (SPN).
**Quantitative Thinking courses include COM 4490 , MUS 4140 (for Music majors only), PLS 2100 , SOC 3400 , SOC 3410 , SW 2910 , and URS 4980 ; Qualitative Thinking courses include PHL 2150 , PHL 2230 , PHL 4710 , and PHL 4720 .
Program Description
It was a philosopher, Plato, who founded the first university in western culture. As lovers of wisdom philosophers have always asked questions about such things as the good life, the nature of beauty, political justice, what is involved in knowing something, and language. At Wright State we continue the questioning started 2500 years ago by the ancient Greeks.