Program Description:
The Department of Classics offers majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree in classical humanities and in the classical languages of Greek and Latin. The study of the classics is concerned with the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. It is the oldest area of study, requiring an understanding of the disciplines of language and literature, art, archaeology, and history to fully appreciate the contributions of Greece and Rome to western civilization.
Requirements for the major in classical humanities are quite flexible, but it is advisable for students to consult with the department to ensure a well-rounded curriculum. An inflexible requirement is the study of Latin or Greek at the college level. The classical humanities student must complete at least 24 hours of language study and become proficient in at least one of the languages beyond the 2020 level. A student who has begun language study elsewhere or who has experienced a lapse of more than one year in the study of the language will be given a proficiency examination to determine the appropriate placement level. Students may also major in either Greek or Latin; these students will be expected to develop some facility in the nonmajor language.
The major in classical humanities is appropriate for students who have not decided on a specific vocation and who are interested in the humanities. A bachelor’s degree in classical humanities is suitable for students who do not plan to extend their formal education beyond the undergraduate level. The major in one of the classical languages is more suitable for students who wish to continue their studies on the graduate level; the areas of ancient history and classical archaeology, as well as classics, are open to them. Students who major in either classical humanities or classical languages will find the bachelor’s degree useful in any position for which a liberal arts degree is appropriate.
Early consultation with the Department of Classics is important for students who wish to teach Latin or Greek in secondary schools. They will also need to consult with the College of Education and Human Services for professional licensure requirements.
Professors Chamberlain (Chair) Gabbert (Emerita)
Associate Professors Edwards, LaForse, C. King (Emerita), W. King (Emeritus), Marchand
Lecturer Wolpert
Classics Honors Program
Superior students may participate in the departmental honors program by applying to the Department of Classics. They should have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in classics and 3.0 overall, and should have completed a substantial portion (27 to 30 hours) of their major requirements. Interested students should contact the department for further details.