2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
    Jul 01, 2024  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering
0-999: Developmental precollege-level courses
1000-2999: Lower division courses intended for undergraduate credit only.  The first digit indicates the general level of the course:  1 for a first-year course, 2 for a second-year course
3000-4999: Upper division courses carrying undergraduate credit only.  The first digit indicates the general level of the course:  3 for a third-year course, 4 for a fourth-year course.
5000-5999: Courses that carry graduate credit only in a major field different from that of the department offering the course. 
6000-6999: Courses that carry graduate credit in any major field.  
7000-7999: Courses intended for graduate students only.
8000-9999: Courses intended for post-master or doctoral-level work.
Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results.  For example, using “6*” will give all 6000 graduate-level courses.

Kinesiology & Health

  • KNH 2450 - Checkpoint 1

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Introduce the health education and physical education licensure program requirements, assessments and procedures.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 2500 - Basic Anatomy and Physiology for KNH Majors

    Credit Hour(s): 4
    Study of anatomy and physiology correlating both structure and function of the human body.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • KNH 2530 - Kinesiology

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Analysis of muscular interrelationships in basic body movement and principles of mechanics as they relate to fundamental and complex motor skills in physical education activities.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • KNH 2540 - Psychology of Sport

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Provides information to help the prospective teacher, coach, or sports medicine professional to effectively apply behavioral science principles to the performance aspects of sport and human movement.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 2550 - Applied Exercise Physiology

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Practical applications in exercise physiology for the physical educator, coach, and athletic trainer. Methods of conditioning, training, implementation, and other special considerations included.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level KNH 2500 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • KNH 2600 - First Aid and CPR

    Credit Hour(s): 2
    Standard Red Cross first aid course. Comprehensive study of first aid techniques and procedures in emergency treatment.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 2610 - Athletic Training

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to athletic training and sports medicine for health and physical education.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • KNH 2620 - Nutrition for Fitness and Sport

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Nutrient and food energy needs of the individual who is physically active. Tissue maintenance, growth and development, immune function, energy development, dietary guidelines and sound dietary practices are investigated.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 2840 - Practicum in Health, Physical Education and Recreation

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 15
    Supervised field work for sophomore students who are seeking certification or a concentration in a specific area. Titles vary. Contact hours vary according to subject. May be taken for a letter grade or pass/unsatisfactory.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Practicum
  • KNH 3450 - Checkpoint 2

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Monitors and supports the professional progress of health and physical education licensure students. Enhances the HPR teacher candidate’s preparation for Praxis II exam, student teaching and career development.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 3500 - Technology and Emergency Management

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Explores technology applications of emergency management.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level KNH 2420 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 3600 - Catastrophe Readiness and Response

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Addresses emergency management education, including disaster preparedness and response strategies, for catastrophic events.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 3840 - Practicum in Health, PE and Rec

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 15
    Supervised field work for junior students seeking certification or a concentration in a specific area. Topics vary. Contact hours vary according to subject. May be taken for letter grade or pass/unsatisfactory.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Practicum
  • KNH 4110 - Fitness Assessment and Programming

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the administration and evaluation of a comprehensive fitness assessment emphasizing the interpretation of the fitness assessment in exercise program design. Integrated Writing course.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level KNH 2550 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level KNH 2500 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • KNH 4300 - Coaching Theory

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Theory, methods, skills, strategies, organization, psychology, ethics, conditioning, and general aspects of teaching and coaching a particular sport. Typical sports covered include baseball, basketball, and soccer.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 4450 - Checkpoint 3

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Monitors and supports the professional progress of health and physical education licensure students. Enhances the HPR teacher candidate’s preparation for Praxis II exam, student teaching and career development.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 4550 - Seminar in Sports Science

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Monitors and supports the professional progress of sports science program students. Enhances sports science students’ preparation for a certification exam and career development.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level KNH 4110 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): KNH4840
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
  • KNH 4840 - Practicum in Health, PE and Rec

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 15
    Supervised field work for senior students seeking certification or a concentration in a specific area. Titles vary. Contact hours vary according to subject. May be taken for letter grade or pass/unsatisfactory.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Practicum
  • KNH 4880 - Independent Study

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 6
    Independent reading, writing, and/or reporting in areas related to health, physical education, or recreation. Topics vary.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • KNH 4890 - Workshop in Health, PE and Rec

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 6
    Intensive study of content, curriculum, method, or materials designed to meet the needs of preservice and in-service professionals in health, physical education, and recreation. Titles vary.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
  • KNH 6880 - Independent Study

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 6
    Independent reading, writing, and/or reporting in an area related to health, physical education, or recreation. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • KNH 6890 - Workshop in Health, PE & Rec

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 6
    Intensive study of content, curriculum, method, or materials designed to meet the needs of pre-service and in-service professionals in health, physical education, and recreation. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7100 - Phys Ed for Chdrn w/Spec Needs

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Provides an overview of the etiological, physical, and psychological considerations of disabilities in an education setting. This course contains methods of adapting activities in physical education for individuals with disabilities.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7120 - Motor Dev: Low Incidence Dsblty

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Understand how disabilities impact psychomotor development, ADL, mobility, and independence of individuals with disabilities. Knowledge of activities that contribute to an active lifestyle.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7130 - Teaching Adapted Physical Activities

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Provides an overview of disability sport and physical activity including rules and certification requirements of the various athletic opportunities for exceptional populations. Includes discussions of adapted devices, technology, and special facilities used for disability sports.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7140 - Teaching Adapted Aquatics

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Provides an overview of adapted aquatics programming. This course is designed for people seeking information on the empowerment and self-actualization of individuals with disabilities through swimming and related aquatic activities.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7400 - Admin-Interscholastic Athletics

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Ways of directing interscholastic athletic programs. Emphasis on personnel administration, program development, facility management, fiscal management, and winning community and professional support.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7500 - Scientific Foundtns-Conditiong

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    A study of scientific foundations for conditioning. Topics will include: exercise training techniques, heart rate, blood pressure, ventilation, strength, flexibility, and body composition. Laboratory methods will also be a part of this course.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7530 - Assessment in Adapted Physical Education

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Provides an overview of developing and diagnosing diverse motor, physical, and sensory deficiencies in exceptional children. Administrative procedures and interpretation of numerous assessment instruments will be covered.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7600 - Adv Athletic Training Tchnques

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of trauma, contusions, hematoma, strains, sprains, fractures, open wounds, and dislocations.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7800 - Research Methods & Prog Eval

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of successful program assessment and evaluation processes, related research methods, and grant/project development.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • KNH 7840 - Field Experience in Adapted Physical Education

    Credit Hour(s): 4
    Provides a review of the APENS standards and how they relate to teaching individuals with disabilities. A 200-hour field experience will prepare students as they translate theory into practice.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Internship
  • KNH 8990 - Physical Education Research

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 6
    Under the supervision of a thesis committee and chair, students select a physical education problem, prepare a proposal detailing the research question, complete the research, write their thesis with full documentation and defend their work before the committee.
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate level KNH 7800 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EDL 7510 Minimum Grade of D
    Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Ed & Human Services.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study


  • LAT 1010 - Beginning Latin I

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to methods and grammatical concepts necessary for further study in Latin.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 1020 - Beginning Latin II

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to advanced principles in Latin grammar.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 1010 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 2010 - Intermediate Latin I

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Review of essentials and reading in selected authors.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 1020 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 2020 - Intermediate Latin II

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Review of essentials and reading for comprehension in selected authors.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 2010 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 3510 - Readings in Roman Drama

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Drama in Latin by Seneca, Plautus, and/or Terence. Discussion of dramatic techniques, Greek influence, and the role of drama in Roman society.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 2020 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 3530 - Readings in Roman Epic

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Virgil’s Aeneid, Ovid’s Metamorphoses; Lucan, Statius, Valerius Flaccus, and Silius. Topics include intent and structure of the Aeneid, history and development of Roman epic, structure and transitional devices in the Metamorphoses, and the nature of rhetorical epic.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 2010 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 3550 - Readings in Roman Poetry

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Roman lyric and elegiac poetry: Virgil’s Eclogues; Catullus, Horace, Propertius, Tibullus, and Ovid. Topics include meters and style of Latin lyric, amatory tradition, and the influence of Hellenistic poetry.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 2020 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 3570 - Readings in Roman Satire

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Horace, Juvenal, Persius, Petronius, and Martial. Topics include development of this peculiar Roman genre, fragments of Lucilius, satirical methods and techniques, satiric epigram, and satire as a source of information about Roman private life.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 2020 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 4510 - Readings in Roman Didactic Literature

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of Roman didactic and philosophical literature: Lucretius, Vergil’s Georgics, Cicero’s philosophical works, and Quintilian.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 2020 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 4530 - Roman History and Biography

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Readings in Latin focusing on prose narrative in history and biography. Authors include Sallust, Livy, Tacitus, and Suetonius.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 2020 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 4550 - Readings in Roman Politics

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Readings include Cicero’s political essays, the letters of Cicero and Pliny, and Augustus’ Res Gestae.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LAT 2020 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 4810 - Independent Reading

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 4
    Reading and discussion of selected works of Latin literature with emphasis on grammatical, rhetorical, literary, and cultural analysis and criticism. Topics vary.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • LAT 5510 - Readings in Roman Drama

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Drama in Latin by Seneca, Plautus, and/or Terrence. Discussion of dramatic techniques, Greek influence, and the role of drama in Roman society. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 5530 - Readings in Roman Epic

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Virgil’s Aeneid, Ovid’s Metamorphoses; Lucan, Statius, Valerius Flaccus, and Stillus. Topics include intent and structure of the Aeneid, history and development of the Roman Epic, structure and transitional devices in the Metamorphoses, and the nature of rhetorical epic. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 5550 - Readings in Roman Poetry

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Roman lyric and elegiac poetry: Virgil’s Eclogues; Catullus, Horace, Propertius, Tibullus, and Ovid. Topics include meters and style of Latin lyric, amatory tradition, and the influence of Hellenistic poetry. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 5570 - Readings in Roman Satire

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Horace, Juvenal, Persius, Petronius, and Martial. Topics include development of this peculiar Roman genre, fragments of Lucilius, satirical methods and techniques, satiric epigram, and satire as a source of information about Roman private life. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 6510 - Readings in Roman Didactic Literature

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of Roman didactic literature: Lucretius, Vergil’s Georgics, Cicero’s philosophical works, Seneca, and Quintillian. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 6530 - Readings in Roman History and Biography

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Readings in Latin focusing on prose narrative in history and biography. Authors include Sallust, Livy, Tacitus, and Suetonius. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 6550 - Readings in Roman Politics

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Readings include Cicero’s political essays and speeches, the letters of Cicero and Pliny, and Augustus’ Res Gestae. Titles vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAT 6810 - Independent Reading in Latin

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 4
    Reading and discussion of selected works of Latin literature with emphasis on grammatical, rhetorical, literary, and cultural analysis and criticism. May be repeated for credit by number, but not by content. Prerequisite: three years college Latin or departmental permission. Topics vary.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture


  • LAW 3000 - Legal Environment of Business

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Survey of domestic and international business law with the focus on practical applications of basic legal principles to managerial effectiveness, analytical reasoning and operational skills.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Degrees: BS in Business.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAW 4300 - Legal Aspects of the Workplace

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to selected federal and Ohio workplace laws and policies with legal implications for human resource professionals and/or managers and for interacting with legal counsel.
    Restrictions: May not be enrolled as the following Classifications: Freshman. Must be enrolled in one of the following Degrees: BS in Business.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LAW 7350 - Law for Accountants

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Course covers specific areas of business law that are included on the CPA Examination. Law and their application are drawn from the following general areas of business law: agency, business organizations, bankurptcy, the Uniform Commercial Code, accountants’ liability, and property.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Raj Soin College of Business.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture

Law Enforcement

  • LE 1000 - Intro to Law Enforcement

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Functions of law enforcement, community policing, patrol, traffic enforcement and criminal law.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LE 1010 - Criminal Law for Law Enforcement

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Administrative structure, procedures, and policies of various law enforcement organizations. Review personnel regulations and professional development.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LE 1020 - Introduction to Legal Procedures

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Rationale and legal foundations of legal procedures.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LE 1030 - Introduction to Criminal Evidence and Procedure

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Organization and functioning of the court system. Review of arrest and search procedures, issues of due process such as the Sixth Amendment and Miranda Law and the role of police, attorneys, and prosecutors. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level LE 1000 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level LE 1010 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LE 1040 - Procedures in Crime Investigation

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Techniques used by police and police specialists to gather evidence at crime scenes and approaches used to interview witnesses, victims and crime suspects.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LE 1060 - Issues in Law Enforcement

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Focused study in an area of interest in Law Enforcement.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LE 1070 - Criminal Justice Ethics

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Comprehensive, balanced, and practical coverage of ethics across all three arms of the criminal justice system: the police, the courts, and corrections. Philosophical principles and theories that are the foundation of ethical decision-making and the latest challenges and issues in criminal justice.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LE 1100 - Police Academy 1

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Ohio Police Training Academy curriculum. Introduction to basic training, the criminal justice system, report writing and the Ohio Revised Code. Basic firearms training and physical conditioning. Requires admission to Grand Lake Law Enforcement Academy.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LE 1110 - Police Academy 2

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Ohio Police Training Academy curriculum. Basic training and Ohio Revised Code. Examines criminal code (ORC 2900), laws of arrest, and firearms training. Requires admission to Grand Lake Law Enforcement Academy.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LE 1120 - Police Academy 3

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Ohio Police Training Academy curriculum. Human relations and safety issues. Study of law on search and seizure, interview and interrogation, civil liability and use of force, and testifying. Requires admission to Grand Lake Law Enforcement Academy.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LE 1130 - Police Academy 4

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Ohio Police Training Academy curriculum. Basic policing problems and procedures. Advanced human relations in special needs, domestic violence, crises, missing and abused children and prevention. Requires admission to Grand Lake Law Enforcement Academy.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LE 1140 - Police Academy 5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Ohio Police Training Academy curriculum. Intermediate policing problems and procedures. Examines procedures in traffic and criminal investigations, including report writing. Requires admission to Grand Lake Law Enforcement Academy.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LE 1150 - Police Academy 6

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Ohio Police Training Academy curriculum. Crime-related problems and procedures. Examines patrol procedures, civil disorders and homeland security. Requires admission to Grand Lake Law Enforcement Academy.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LE 2990 - Law Enforcement Internship

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Course will provide an opportunity for the student to observe the criminal justice system in operation. The student will be expected to compare classroom theory with the day-to-day operation of the agency to which they are assigned and the roles and responsibilities of the professional in the field. Total of 40 clock hours required.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Internship


  • LDR 4600 - Independent Study in Leadership

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 3
    Independent study.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • LDR 4700 - Workshop in Leadership

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 3
    Small group learning for undergraduate students interested in leadership.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7010 - Theories of Organizing, Leading and Change

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Overviews a variety of selected theories about leading, organizing, and organizational change with a focus on how each theoretical approach can inform and influence the practice of leadership in real-world settings. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7030 - Building Leadership Capacity

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Students will explore leadership capacity from assessment through development and its alignment with leadership competencies. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7050 - Moral Leadership: Ethics, Social Justice and Authenticity

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    This course focuses on the foundations of moral leadership including ethics, social justice and authenticity.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7070 - Teaming, Communication, and Collaboration in a Global Society

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    This course focuses on theory, research, and current trends related to group dynamics and communication processes used to build organizational effectiveness in a diverse, multicultural workplace.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7090 - Organizational Intentionality and Sustainability

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    This course focuses on theoretical and practical models for understanding international and sustainable organizational development. Central to this focus is the understanding of the relationships of both technical and adaptive leadership to organizational outcomes.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7100 - Developing Interpersonal Competencies

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    This course focuses upon the understanding, application, and assessment of interpersonal competencies. Further, the course addresses the emotional and social awareness necessary to sustain leadership effectiveness. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7200 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Focuses on critical analysis of emerging, contemporary leadership issues. Students apply a broad range of current leadership literature to the research, development, and analysis of case studies.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7300 - Research Methods for Leadership

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    This course focuses on the need for learners to understand collecting, analyzing, and interpreting of data related to decision making in the workplace. Research concepts, reasoning, design and basic data analysis skills are introduced.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7450 - Reviewing Leadership Literature & Research Design

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    This course provides students with the tools necessary to synthesize leadership literature; and plan, analyze, and report results from research projects related to leadership.
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate level LDR 7300 Minimum Grade of D
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7500 - Internship in Leadership Development

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    An organization-based experience that provides students with an opportunity to gain an understanding of and practice with leadership-in-action.
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate level LDR 7450 Minimum Grade of D
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Internship
  • LDR 7510 - Statistics and Research

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to basic statistical methods and data analysis for research and evaluation.
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 7590 - Qualitative Research Methods

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Theoretical bases for qualitative research in education; including training in qualitative methods, specifically, observation, interviewing, collecting written documents, grounded surveys, analysis, and interpretation and the presentation of the research
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
  • LDR 7600 - Research Project

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 6
    This course guides individual research projects to insure that the project demonstrates the student’s ability to take a problem from inquiry and data gathering, through analysis and solution identification, to formal presentation.
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate level LDR 7450 Minimum Grade of D
    Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Leadership Development - MS, Leadership Development - MSLD.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • LDR 8010 - Program Evaluation in Organizations

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of program evaluation theory and practices. Students will review existing program evaluation reports and develop a program evaluation plan.
    Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 8020 - Strategic Planning in Organizations

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of organizational strategic planning theory and practices. Includes development of strategic plans for organizations.
    Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 8030 - Financial Management and Leadership in Organizations

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of financial management in organizations, with an emphasis on financial planning, budgeting, reporting, analysis, and decision-making. Includes a comprehensive business planning exercise.
    Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 8600 - Independent Study in Leadership

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 3
    For students interested in exploring independent study related to a topic in leadership.
    Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • LDR 8700 - Workshop in Leadership

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 3
    Small group learning for graduate students interested in exploring a topic in leadership.
    Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LDR 9990 - Thesis

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 6
    This course guides implementation of individual Master’s Thesis projects from inquiry and data gathering, through analysis and solution identification, to formal presentation.
    Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study


  • LEP 0010 - Writing - Pre-LEAP

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Writing for low-beginning ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LEP 0020 - Writing Workshop - Pre-LEAP

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Writing workshop (revision, editing and lab) for low-beginning ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LEP 0030 - Grammar - Pre-LEAP

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Grammar for low-beginning ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LEP 0040 - Integrated Skills - Pre-LEAP

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Reading, vocabulary, listening, cross-cultural discussions for low-beginning ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LEP 0050 - Listening & Speaking - Pre-LEAP

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Listening, speaking and pronunciation for low-beginning level ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LEP 0110 - Writing - Level 1

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Writing for beginning ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LEP 0120 - Writing Workshop - Level 1

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Writing workshop (revision, editing and lab) for beginning ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • LEP 0130 - Grammar - Level 1

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Grammar for beginning ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • LEP 0140 - Integrated Skills - Level 1

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Reading, vocabulary, listening, cross-cultural discussions for beginning ESL students. This course has a fee that is non-refundable once the term begins.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture

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