2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
    Jan 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering
0-999: Developmental precollege-level courses
1000-2999: Lower division courses intended for undergraduate credit only.  The first digit indicates the general level of the course:  1 for a first-year course, 2 for a second-year course
3000-4999: Upper division courses carrying undergraduate credit only.  The first digit indicates the general level of the course:  3 for a third-year course, 4 for a fourth-year course.
5000-5999: Courses that carry graduate credit only in a major field different from that of the department offering the course. 
6000-6999: Courses that carry graduate credit in any major field.  
7000-7999: Courses intended for graduate students only.
8000-9999: Courses intended for post-master or doctoral-level work.
Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results.  For example, using “6*” will give all 6000 graduate-level courses.

Electrical Engineering

  • EE 7160 - Multisensor and Information Fusion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Sensor characteristics, sensor information processing, management, modeling, and coordination. Statistical, Bayesian and Fisher, weighted least-square, dynamic distributed and centralized, rule-based and adaptive sensor fusion. Demptster-Shafer technique. Fusion by Markov random fields. Multiresolutional sensor fusion. Fusion with out-of-sequence measurements. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7610 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7170 - Target Tracking and Data Association

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Multitarget tracking and data association. Linear and nonlinear state estimation. Maneuvering targets. Single target and multitarget tracking in clutter. Joint probabilistic data association filter. Multiple hypothesis and distributed multitarget tracking. Track-to-track fusion. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7610 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7200 - Modern Control II

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Analysis and design of digital control systems using the state approach, multirate digital control systems, and digital state observer and microprocessor control. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7020 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7260 - Autonomous Unmanned Systems

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Understand quadrotor dynamics and construct state space models, conduct system identification using least squares, understand LQR theory and apply it for designing state feedback control laws for quadrotor attitude and position control, and understand extended Kalman filter theory and apply it to quadrotor state estimation.
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7020 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Lab Combination
  • EE 7270 - Adaptive Control

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    The goal of this course is to provide a rigorous introduction to the exciting world of adaptive/self-tuning systems and the application of adaptive techniques to control of dynamic systems with parametric uncertainty. Students will develop first-hand experience in the use of adaptive control techniques via computer simulations. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7020 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7280 - Intelligent Control

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    The course focuses on providing an introduction to the emerging area of intelligent control methods and their applications to the control and health monitoring of uncertain, complex dynamical systems. An additional goal is the development of the foundational tools needed for pursuing independent research, giving oral presentations, and producing written reports. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7020 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7330 - Modern Radar Theory

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Application of probability and random process to the performance characterization of range/doppler radar. Development of the concepts of resolution, S/N, ambiguity function, and pulse compression, and their applications to radar systems design. Consideration is also given to coherent imaging radar. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level EE 4750 Minimum Grade of C or Graduate level EE 6750 Minimum Grade of C
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7350 - Wireless Communication Techniques

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    The goal of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the frontier of modern wireless communication technologies. Topics include: uniqueness and difficulty of wireless communication system design, wireless communication channel and propagation model, modulation and demodulation techniques for mobile communication, multiple access technologies, wireless communicaton system simulation, etc. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7610 Minimum Grade of D and ((Undergraduate level EE 4210 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4210L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6210 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6210L Minimum Grade of D))
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7360 - Advanced Wireless Communication Techniques

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Fading Counteraction including ISI mitigation and Adaptive Equaliztion, Diversity, Coding and Interleaving for error correction, Speech Coding, Multiplexing and Multiple Access techniques including TDMA, FDMA, and CDMA; OFDM, CDMA, Wireless Networking, Packet Radio, Wireless LAN’s including Bluetooth. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7350 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7370 - Advanced Electronic Warfare

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Understand electronic warfare system architecture, understand and evaluate electronic warfare processing, understand and analyze low probability of intercept signals, perform second order cyclostationary analysis on RF signals, and simulate electronic warfare systems and operations. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 6210 with minimum grade of C and Undergraduate level EE 3260 with minimum grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7400 - Information Theory

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Development of communication channel model and use of information theory as means of quantifying that model. Investigation of various error correcting and detecting codes. The popular Viterbi coding algorithm is also covered. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level EE 3260 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7410 - Power Electronics I

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Silicon and silicon carbide power devices; Fast-recovery, ultra-fast-recovery, and p-n junctions and Schottky power diodes; performance parameters; Power MOSFETs and IGBTs; static and dynamice characteristics; voltage and current stress; Pulse-width modulated (PWM) DC-DC power converts: topologies of power stages of power converters, such buck-boost, flyback, forward, half bridger, full-bridge, and push-pull power stages. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 5310 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7410L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7410L - Power Electronics I Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Silicon and silicon-carbide p-n-junction and Schottky power diodes, power MOSFETs, maximum current and breakdown voltage, power stages of PWM converters Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 5310 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7410
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7420 - Power Electronics II

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Modeling, linearization, and control of open-loop power stages of PWM DC-DC power converters, voltage-mode and current mode control techniques of PWM power converters, DC and AC, steady-state, and transient performance of open-loop and closed-loop power converters. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 5310 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7420L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7420L - Power Electronics II Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Simulation of models of power stages of DC-DC PWM power converts, open-loop performance of power converters, closed loop power converters. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 5310 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7420
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7430 - High Frequency Magnetic Components

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    This course will cover topics in the area of high-frequency power magnetic components, such as inductors and transformers. Concepts that will be studied: such as complex permeability, eddy currents, skin effect, proximity effect, winding losses, Dowells equation, core losses, self-capacitance, area-product method, core-geometry method, integrated inductors. Optimization of conductor dimensions will be performed. Design procedures of high-frequency inductors and transformers will be presented.
    Corequisite(s): EE7430L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7430L - High Frequency Magnetic Components Lab

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Laboratory exercises related to the fundamental concepts of high-frequency power magnetic components will be covered in this course. Computer simulations of magnetic field, current density, and power loss density distributions due to skin and proximity effects in inductor and transformer winding conductors at high frequencies will be performed. Simulations of hysteresis and eddy current losses in magnetic cores will done. Evaluations of performance of integrated inductors will be performed.
    Corequisite(s): EE7430
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7440 - RF Power Amplifiers

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    The course covers the fundamental theory of radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers and their applications in wireless communications, radars, and radio and TV broadcasting. RF power passive and active devices are discussed.
    Corequisite(s): EE7440L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7440L - RF Power Amplifiers Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Required lab for EE 7440
    Corequisite(s): EE7440
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7460 - Advanced Electromagnetics Engineering

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Understand the physical and engineering principles of electromagnetic wave propagation, radiation and scattering; understand electro-dynamic forms of Maxwell’s equations and the associated mathematical models and analysis methods; understand application of Maxwell’s equations to engineering problems in radiation and scattering. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 5450 Minimum Grade of D or Graduate level PHY 6330 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7470 - Electromagnetic Simulation Methods

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Direct solution of Maxwell’s differential equations in the time domain using the finite-difference time-domain (FTDT) method. Absorbing boundary conditions and waveguide or plane wave excitation methods. Application to the solution of problems relevant to radiation, radar cross section (or scattering) and microwave circuit design. Wave equation and integral implementation. Application of one-and two-dimensional EM problems. Comparison with the finite element method. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 5450 Minimum Grade of B and (Graduate level MTH 5330 Minimum Grade of B or Graduate level MTH 6810 Minimum Grade of B or Graduate level PHY 6730 Minimum Grade of B)
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7480 - Advanced Microwave Engineering

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Concepts and fundamental principles of advanced high speed electronic devices operating at frequencies greater than 1 GHz, including MESFET, HEMT, RF MOSFET, HBT, and carbon electronics. Models and discussions of semiconductor devices fabricated in a variety of material systems, such as strained Si, III-V compound semiconductors, Si-Ge, CNT and graphene. A description of advanced optoelectronic devices including light-emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers and photovoltaic systems (solar cell). Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4420 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4420L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6420 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6420L Minimum Grade of D)
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7490 - Antenna Theory and Design

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    The course introduces the fundamental principles of antenna theory, covering radiation integrals, auxiliary potential functions, fundamental parameters of antennas, linear wire antennas, loop antennas, antenna arrays, microstrip antennas, and traveling wave antennas. Antenna teaching lab will be developed to assist students to learn the design, fabrication, and characterization of various types antenna.
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 6420 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7490L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7490L - Antenna Theory and Design Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 0
    Required laboratory for EE 7490.
    Corequisite(s): EE7490
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7510 - Digital Wideband Receiver Design

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    The course material is designed at an undergraduate senior or the first year graduate level. In this course digital design techniques applicable to wideband signal detection are discussed. Several digital wideband receiver designs are studied. New laboratory components using Matlab/Simulink, Xilinx System Generator, Xilinx ISE and FPGA will be developed to engage students in the learning process and give them hands-on examples to connect with the theory aspects throughout the course. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 6000 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6620 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7510L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7510L - Digital Wideband Receiver Design Lab

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    New labooratory components using Matlab/Simulink, Xilinx System Generator, Xilinx ISE and FPGA will be developed to engage students in the learning process and give them hands-on examples to connect with the theory aspects. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 6000 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6620 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7510
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7520 - Low Power VLSI System Design

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    CMOS VLSI subsystems and low-power subsystems design. Includes data path operators for FIR and IIR filter design: counters, high-speed adders, multipliers, and memory elements. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4540 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4540L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6540 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6540L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7520L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7520L - Low Power VLSI System Design Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Required lab for EE 7520. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4540 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4540L Minimum Grade of D) or (Undergraduate level EE 6540 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 6540L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7520
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7530 - VLSI Design Synthesis and Optimization

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    VLSI Synthesis and optimization including data path synthesis, glue logic synthesis control-unit synthesis, and resource sharing. Covers behavioral level to layout level synthesis and corresponding algorithms. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4620 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4620L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6620 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6620L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7530L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7530L - VLSI Design Synthesis and Optimization Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Required laboratory for EE 7530. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4620 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4620L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6620 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6620L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7530
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7540 - VLSI Testing and Design for Testability

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Design for testability of VLSI circuits. Topics include importance of testing, conventional test methods, built-in test, CAD tools for evaluating testability, test pattern generators and compressors; and test for mixed-signal systems and systems-on-a-chip (SOC). Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4540 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4540L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6540 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6540L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7540L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7540L - VLSI Testing and Design for Testability Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Required laboratory for EE 7540. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4540 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4540L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6540 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6540L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7540
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7550 - Trust in Integrated Circuit Design

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    This course will cover topics in “Trust for Integrated Circuit Design.” We will explore the problem of Trust at each level of the Integrated Circuit design process, from high level simulation all the way to layout, fabrication, and packaging. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Graduate level EE 6620 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6620L Minimum Grade of D) or (Undergraduate level EE 4620 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4620L Minimum Grade of D) or Undergraduate level CEG 3320 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7560 - Advanced Robotics

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Detailed study of the dynamics and control of robotic systems and robot programming languages and systems. Material covered includes rigid-body dynamics; linear, nonlinear, adaptive, and force control of manipulators; and robot programming languages. Sensors, low-level and higher level vision techniques, task planning including obstacle avoidance and artificial intelligence and expert systems as applied to robotic systems. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Graduate level EE 6560 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6560L Minimum Grade of D) or (Undergraduate level EE 4560 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4560L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7560L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7560L - Advanced Robotics Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Required laboratory for EE 7560. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Graduate level EE 6560 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6560L Minimum Grade of D) or (Undergraduate level EE 4560 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4560L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7560
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7580 - CMOS Mixed Signal IC Design

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the techniques, limitations, and problems in the design of CMOS analog integrated circuits. Topics include CMOS analog circuit modeling and device characterization, analog CMOS subcircuits, CMOS amplifiers, CMOS comparators, and CMOS Op Amps, CMOS Analog to Digital Converters, and CMOS Digital to Analog Converters, and Switched Capacitor Circuits. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4540 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4540L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6540 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6540L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7580L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7580L - CMOS Mixed Signal IC Design Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Required lab for EE 7580. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): (Undergraduate level EE 4540 Minimum Grade of D and Undergraduate level EE 4540L Minimum Grade of D) or (Graduate level EE 6540 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 6540L Minimum Grade of D)
    Corequisite(s): EE7580
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7590 - CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the design of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits using CMOS technology. Topics include S-parameters, noise sources in RF Integrated Circuits, low noise RF amplifiers, RF mixers, RF oscillators and synthesizers, phase lock loops and phase noise. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7580 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 7580L Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7590L
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7590L - CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Required lab for EE 7590. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7580 Minimum Grade of D and Graduate level EE 7580L Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EE7590
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 7610 - Random Processes

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Probability and random variable, distributions and density functions, random processes, strict-sense and wide-sense stationarity, auto-correlation and power spectral density, ergodicity, response of linear systems with stochastic inputs, discrete linear models, and Gaussian processes.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7620 - Detection, Estimation, and Optimal Filter Theory

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Binary detection with single/multiple observations, linear minimum mean-square error filtering: Wiener and Kalman filters, MLE and MAP estimators, histogram, tests of hypotheses, regression analysis, model-free and model-based parameter estimation of random processes. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7610 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7630 - Stochastic Signal Processing

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Processing, techniques for stochastic signals. Parametric and nonparametric spectral estimation. Introduction to adaptive systems, to adaptation with stationary signals, and to adaptive algorithms and structures. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Graduate level EE 7610 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7810 - Embedded Systems

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study special-purpose computing systems. Topics include system architecture, embedded processors, field programmable gate arrays, hardware software co-design, real-time scheduling, and real-time operating systems.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level CEG 3320 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level CEG 5320 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7820 - Pattern Recognition

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Supervised and unsupervised classification are covered, including feature extraction, feature selection, distance measures, sequential clustering, hierarchical clustering, Bayesian decision theory, parameter estimation, and applications of pattern recognition.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7830 - Machine Learning

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Reviews the development of machine learning paradigms. Introductory topics include parameter adjustment methods, signature tables, and the application of genetic algorithms to artificial intelligence problems domains.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level CS 4850 Minimum Grade of D or Graduate level CS 6850 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7840 - Computer Vision

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Algorithms for low- and mid-level vision, including noise filtering, edge detection, image segmentation, texture analysis, feature extraction, stereo depth perception, camera calibration, 3-D reconstruction, shape from shading.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 7900 - Independent Study in Electrical Engineering

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 12
    Individual studies in advanced engineering topics. Titles vary.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • EE 7910 - Full-Time CPT in EE

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Practical work experience in graduate level electrical engineering.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Internship
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required
  • EE 7920 - Part-Time CPT in EE

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Practical work experience in graduate level electrical engineering.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Internship
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required
  • EE 7990 - Thesis

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 12
    Graded pass/unsatisfactory.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • EE 8000 - Selected Topics in Electrical Engineering

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 4
    Recent developments in Electrical Engineering and related fields. Titles vary.
    Enrollment Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EE 8000L - Select Topics in Electrical Engineering Laboratory

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Laboratory for EE 8000.
    Enrollment Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lab
  • EE 8990 - PhD Dissertation

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 12
    Research on the Ph.D. dissertation topic. Graded pass/unsatisfactory.
    Enrollment Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Undergraduate. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study

Elementary Education P-5

  • EED 1000 - Pre-Professional Seminar P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to elementary education program. Topics include preparation, licensure requirements, professional organizations, and undergraduate research opportunities; explore teaching identities, clarify values, communication strategies, goal setting, course planning; personal wellness to becoming a teacher.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
  • EED 3150 - Reading Methods P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Formal reading instruction in classrooms; strategies and materials for teaching reading to children in grades P-5.
    Corequisite(s): EED3210
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 3200 - Social Studies Methods P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Principles, resources, technology, critical thinking skills, and social science research for P-5 social studies, as well as the teaching of U.S. and Ohio history.
    Corequisite(s): EED3210
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 3210 - P-5 Methods Field Experience

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Candidates, mentored by an elementary educator, assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a P-5 grade setting applying pedagogical content knowledge from elementary education methods courses.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ED 2750 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Practicum
  • EED 3230 - Field Experience P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Candidates, mentored by an elementary educator, assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a P-5 grade setting applying pedagogical content knowledge from elementary education methods courses.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level EED 3210 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Practicum
  • EED 3300 - Introduction to Child Development

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    The physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development (typical and atypical) of children prenatal through age eight.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 3400 - Classroom Management P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Classroom management strategies with an emphasis on PBIS to facilitate learning and promote social well-being in P-5 grade classrooms. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • EED 3500 - Families, Communities, and Schools

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Educators collaborating with families and diverse backgrounds in the care and education of children; building curriculum that addresses the needs of English Language Learners.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 3650 - Phonics and Word Study P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    An in-depth analysis of how children in P-5 learn phonics and word study, and use this knowledge while reading and writing.
    Corequisite(s): EED3210
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 3750 - Writing Methods P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    The study of writing development, writing theory, writing genres, writing assessment, instructional pedagogy, and materials in elementary language arts program development, and the integration of literature and language arts across P-5 grade curricula. Integrated Writing course.
    Corequisite(s): EED4210
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • EED 4100 - Science Methods P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Curricula and materials for teaching P-5 science with emphasis on using an integrated multidisciplinary approach to science teaching. Includes development of appropriate learning targets, planning, implementation, assessments, and trends in science education.
    Corequisite(s): EED4210
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 4200 - Mathematics Methods P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Curricula and materials for teaching P-5 Mathematics emphasizing conceptual math, growth mindset, integration, and interventions to meet the needs of diverse learners. Includes development and implementation of assessments, lessons, and appropriate modifications.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 4210 - EED Internship Part I

    Credit Hour(s): 1
    Candidates, mentored by an elementary educator, assume additional responsibilities in planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a P-5 grade setting applying pedagogical content knowledge from elementary methods courses.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Internship
  • EED 4400 - Assessment Methods P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Varying assessment techniques and strategies, both formal and informal, utilized in grades P-5. Various forms of assessments used to assess P-5 students’ learning in order to plan and implement effective lessons.
    Corequisite(s): EED3210
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 4650 - Supporting Struggling Readers

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of assessments, reading strategies, reading materials and techniques needed to assist struggling readers in grades P-5.
    Corequisite(s): EED4210
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • EED 4800 - Professional Seminar P-5

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Seminar course prepares teacher candidates for entering the field of teaching in grades P-5. Topics include: teacher assessment, licensure, resume building, interview portfolio, job search, interviewing techniques, and ethics surrounding teachers. Integrated Writing Course.
    Corequisite(s): EED4900
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • EED 4900 - EED Internship Part II: Student Teaching

    Credit Hour(s): 9
    Field experience student teaching placement in a P-5 setting.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level EED 4210 Minimum Grade of D
    Corequisite(s): EED4800
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Elementary Education P-5-BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Internship


  • ENG 1010 - Basic Academic Speaking and Listening: ESL

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Basic course in spoken English, both production and comprehension. Open only to non-native speakers of English.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required
  • ENG 1020 - Basic Writing: ESL

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Basic course in written communication with an emphasis on grammatical structures and sentence and paragraph development. For non-native speakers of English only.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required
  • ENG 1030 - Advanced Writing: ESL

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Advanced course in written communication with an emphasis on grammatical structures, sentence structure and essay organization, and topic development. For non-native speakers of English only. Placement by writing diagnostic.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required
  • ENG 1050 - Classroom Communication for the International Teaching Assistant

    Credit Hour(s): 2
    Introduction to effective communication skills for the classroom, emphasizing oral proficiency, teaching skills, and culture of the American classroom. Placement based on performance on the Wright State Oral Proficiency Test for International Teaching Assistants.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required
  • ENG 1100 - Academic Writing and Reading

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduces students to principles of effective written communication and critical reading. Stresses invention, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment, along with effective critiquing and collaborating. Students may use any of the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Core, but only one may count: ENG 1100, ENG 1110, ENG 1130, or ENG 1140.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Wright State Core
  • ENG 1140 - Intensive Academic Writing and Reading

    Credit Hour(s): 4
    Introduces students needing additional instruction in writing to principles of effective written communication and critical reading. Stresses invention, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment, along with effective critiquing and collaborating. Students may use any of the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Core, but only one may count: ENG 1100, ENG 1110, ENG 1130, or ENG 1140.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required, Wright State Core
  • ENG 2010 - Topics in Reading

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Exploration of topics of interest in Literature with focus on knowledge, enjoyment, and informed critical reading.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 1100 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1110 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1130 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1140 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 2020 - Topics in Writing

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Exploration of topics and approaches in the field of Writing with focus on developing mastery and enjoyment of the writing process.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 1100 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1110 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1130 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1140 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 2040 - Great Books: Literature

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to interpreting literature, using works from various periods and cultures, viewed in their social and historical contexts and read for their enduring interest. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing, Wright State Core
  • ENG 2050 - African-American Literature

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Focuses on the oral and written African-American literary tradition in a variety of genres from the 18th century to the present. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing, Multicultural Competency, Wright State Core
  • ENG 2100 - Research Writing and Argumentation

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Adapts principles introduced in ENG 1100 to typical university writing tasks. Stresses communicating effectively within disciplinary contexts, reading critically, and using source materials effectively in argumentative and research writing. Students may use any of the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Core, but only one may count: ENG 2100, ENG 2110, ENG 2120, ENG 2130, or ENG 2140.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 1100 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1110 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1130 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1140 Minimum Grade of C
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Wright State Core
  • ENG 2110 - Research Writing and Argumentation: Education

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Adapts principles introduced in ENG 1100 to writing for educators. Emphasizes audience awareness, reflection, analysis, argument, research, and effective use of supporting source materials. Students may use any of the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Core, but only one may count: ENG 2100, ENG 2110, ENG 2120, ENG 2130, or ENG 2140.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 1100 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1110 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1130 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1140 Minimum Grade of C
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Wright State Core
  • ENG 2120 - Research Writing and Argumentation: Health Sciences

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Adapts principles introduced in ENG 1100 and equivalents to writing for professional audiences in the health sciences and lay readers. Stresses argument, research, and effective use of source materials. Students may use any of the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Core, but only one may count: ENG 2100, ENG 2110, ENG 2120, ENG 2130, or 2140.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 1100 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1110 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1130 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1140 Minimum Grade of C
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Wright State Core
  • ENG 2130 - Research Writing and Argumentation: Sciences

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Adapts principles introduced in ENG 1100 and equivalents to writing for professional audiences in the sciences and lay readers. Stresses argument, research, and effective use of source materials.Students may use any of the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Core, but only one may count:ENG 2100, ENG 2110, ENG 2120, ENG 2130, ENG 2140.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 1100 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1110 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1130 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1140 Minimum Grade of C
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Wright State Core
  • ENG 2140 - Research, Technical Writing and Presentation for Scientists and Engineers

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Adapts principles introduced in ENG 1100 and equivalents to writing for professional audiences in engineering and computer science and lay readers. Stresses argument, research, and effective use of source materials.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 1100 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1110 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1130 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ENG 1140 Minimum Grade of C
    Enrollment Restrictions: May not be enrolled as the following Classifications: Freshman.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Wright State Core
  • ENG 2310 - Comparative Literature: Non-Western Literatures

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to literature from the global South, including Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, and development of critical vocabulary for the appreciation of issues relevant to the literature. Credit will not be given for ENG 2310 to students who have already successfully completed CST 2310. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing, Multicultural Competency, Wright State Core
  • ENG 2320 - American Academic Culture

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Unique cultural norms within American higher education through critical analysis of the social, political, and economic factors which have influenced their development and continuous evolution.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be assigned one of the following Student Attributes: Intl Student (F1 or J1 visa).

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Multicultural Competency, Wright State Core
  • ENG 2510 - Textual Analysis for Middle Childhood Education

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Understanding strategies for reading, interpreting, and analyzing informational, persuasive, and literary texts.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of C
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: Middle Childhood Ed - BSED.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 2560 - Basic Media Writing

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to writing for media. Includes structure and organization of media copy. Requires reporting in the field. Integrated Writing course. Department Managed Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level COM 1520 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • ENG 2800 - Introduction to Creative Writing

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Fundamental techniques and strategies of poetry and short fiction; analysis of anthologized poems and stories; group discussion of manuscripts.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 1100 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1110 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1130 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 1140 Minimum Grade of D
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3000 - Business Writing

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Written business and organizational communication; rhetorical demands of writing in professional settings; attention to various forms including short reports and informal oral presentations.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 2110 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 2120 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 2130 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ENG 2140 Minimum Grade of D
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: College of Ed & Human Services, College of Liberal Arts, Raj Soin College of Business, Wright State Lake Campus.

    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3010 - Topics in Reading

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Approaches and topics in the field of Literary Study.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3020 - Topics in Writing

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Approaches and topics in the field of Writing.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3060 - Introduction to Literary Study

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the discipline of English, with a focus on verse, narrative, textual analysis, literary theory, and integration of secondary sources in analytical arguments. Integrated Writing course.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of C (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • ENG 3210 - British Texts: Medieval to 17th Century

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Representative works of major English writers of the medieval period and the 16th and 17th centuries.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3220 - British Texts: 1660 to Later 19th Century

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Representative works of major British writers of the later 17th to later 19th centuries.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3230 - British Texts: Mid-19th to 21st Century

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Representative works of major British writers from the middle of the 19th century through the beginning of the 21st century.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3310 - American Texts: Colonial -1890

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Representative works of American writers from the colonial era until 1890.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3320 - American Texts: to 21st Century

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Representative American writings from the late nineteenth century through the 21st century.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • ENG 3400 - Studies in African Literature

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Representative works of established and emerging African writers.
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level ENG 2100 Minimum Grade of D (ENG 2100 can be taken concurrently)
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture

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