2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
    Sep 23, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering
0-999: Developmental precollege-level courses
1000-2999: Lower division courses intended for undergraduate credit only.  The first digit indicates the general level of the course:  1 for a first-year course, 2 for a second-year course
3000-4999: Upper division courses carrying undergraduate credit only.  The first digit indicates the general level of the course:  3 for a third-year course, 4 for a fourth-year course.
5000-5999: Courses that carry graduate credit only in a major field different from that of the department offering the course. 
6000-6999: Courses that carry graduate credit in any major field.  
7000-7999: Courses intended for graduate students only.
8000-9999: Courses intended for post-master or doctoral-level work.
Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results.  For example, using “6*” will give all 6000 graduate-level courses.


  • REL 1010 - Introduction to World Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the beliefs and practices of the major religions of the world, including, but not limited to, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and East Asian religions.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Multicultural Competency, Wright State Core
  • REL 2040 - Bible, Qur’an, and Western Culture

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the textual formation, early historical development, and influence of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing, Multicultural Competency, Wright State Core
  • REL 2050 - What Is Religion?

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Explores the meaning of religion by looking at various ways in which people experience and express it. Diverse examples of religion and religious life are considered.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 2060 - Asian Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    General introduction to the major religious traditions of South Asia and East Asia: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Zen, and Shinto.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 2070 - Western Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    General introduction to the major religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other selected religious traditions.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 2320 - Nonwestern Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the academic study of major nonwestern religious traditions of the world, examining their historical development, fundamental doctrines and beliefs, practices, institutions, and cultural expressions. Integrated Writing course. Credit will not be given for REL 2320 Nonwestern Religions for students who have already successfully completed CST 2320 Nonwestern Religions.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing, Multicultural Competency, Wright State Core
  • REL 3100 - Topics in Judaism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Topics vary.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3110 - Judaism: Faith and People

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Judaism as a religious faith and people, with special reference to formative historical, social, ethnic, and cultural factors.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3120 - Modern Jewish Thought

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Major themes and issues in the works of contemporary Jewish thinkers (e.g., Borowitz, Herberg, Fackenheim, Kaplan, Rothschild, Heschel, Rubenstein, and Weisel).
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3200 - Topics in Christianity

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of selected topics related to the history and practice of Christianity.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3210 - Christianity

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of the historical development of Christianity from biblical times to the present, with an emphasis on the diversity of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3300 - Topics in Islam

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Problems, approaches, and topics in the field of Islam. Topics vary.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3310 - Introduction to Islam

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Origin and development of Islam, including contemporary issues.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3320 - Islam in the Modern World

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of how Muslim thinkers and theologians have responded to the challenges of the modern era.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3400 - Topics in Asian Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Studies in the religious dimension of Asian cultures with attention to historical, social, and aesthetic perspectives.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3410 - Chinese Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introductory survey of religious thought and practice in Chinese history and culture. Primary focus on Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. Themes examined include religion and politics in Chinese history, human nature and self-cultivation, and conceptions of the sage in Chinese religions.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3420 - Japanese Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Survey of historical and contemporary religious life in Japan. Primary focus will be on both early Shinto and later nationalistic Shinto, the varieties of Japanese Buddhism, and Japanese New religions. Topics examined include religious doctrine, faith and devotion, self-cultivation and enlightenment, monasticism, and religion and the state.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3430 - Buddhism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to Buddhism, focusing on its historical origins in India and its spread to neighboring regions. Examines the life and teachings of the Buddha, rituals and practices among Buddhist monastics and laity, and early Buddhist art and architecture. Reading from historical Buddhist sources and documentary films about living Buddhist communities.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3440 - Hinduism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Explores major beliefs and practices of Hinduism.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Recitation Combination
  • REL 3450 - Daoism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Survey of the various expressions of Daoism in Chinese religious and intellectual history. Includes classical Daoist writings and contemporary expressions of Daoism.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3460 - Confucianism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Survey of Confucianism in Chinese history, including classical expressions of Confucian thought, influential Neo-Confucian thinkers and the modern fate of Confucianism in Chinese society and culture. Topics include Heaven, human nature and self-cultivation, conceptions of the sage, and Confucian political philosophy.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3470 - Zen Buddhism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Survey of the history, doctrines, and practices of Zen Buddhism in China, Japan, and the West. Focus on important contributions and innovations of seminal figures. Particular attention also devoted to Zen meditative practices.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3480 - Hindu Mythology

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examines relationship of Hindu sacred narratives and Hindu beliefs and practices. Addresses myth, its significance for the study of religion, and the intellectual issues at stake in reading mythology across cultures.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3490 - Hindu Goddesses

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Explores conceptualizations of the divine feminine in Hinduism, combines textual, historic, and anthropological resources to understand the nature of the various Hindu goddesses and how they are worshipped.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3510 - Comparative Asian Mysticism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of the religious phenomenon and category of “mysticism” in various Asian traditions including Daoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism (both early Indian Buddhism and Japanese Zen).
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3520 - Western Mysticisms

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Mysticism and the history of its literary legacy within Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • REL 3530 - Asian Religious Ethics

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Explores ethics and morality as construed in a variety of Asian religious traditions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Confucianism. Reading of primary sources ranging from analytic ethical debates to popular folktales in which moral and immoral behavior figure prominently. Exposure to a variety of cultural approaches to universal human problems and critical reading of primary sources.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3540 - Asian Religions and Ecology

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    An examination of Asian religious perspectives (Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, and Shinto) on the meaning and value of the natural world and the relationship between human beings and nature. Focus will be on environmental ethics in comparative Asian perspective.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3550 - Human Rights in China

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    A survey of the debate on human rights in China in relation to events in modern Chinese history. Examines the impact of Confucianism on current Chinese thinking regarding modernization, democratization, and human rights. Examines other regions, including Singapore, Taiwan, and Tibet. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • REL 3600 - Topics in American Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Selected topics related to the history and practice of religion in America.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3610 - Religion in America

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Historical exploration of the variety of forms of religious expression in America and the role of religion in American life.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3620 - New Religious Movements in America

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    New religious movements in America, including Shakers, Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Scientists, and others as appropriate.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3630 - Women and Religion in America

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Role of women in American religious history, with special reference to the diversity of women’s religious experiences.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3640 - Religion and Politics in America

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of both the historical and the contemporary relation between religion and politics in the United States, with special reference to the legal principle of church/state separation. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • REL 3700 - Topics in Biblical Literature

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examines selected aspects of Biblical literature from both literary and historical perspectives to explore the possible structures, functions, and meanings of this literature for its original community.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3720 - Pentateuch

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Patriarchal narratives and Mosaic legislation of the Pentateuch or Torah, the initial five books of the Bible.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3730 - Genesis

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Biblical book of Genesis as the foundation of the Bible and of values and concerns of western civilization. Explores ancient Mesopotamian creation and flood myths as sources for these tales.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3740 - Prophets and History

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Historical context of Biblical prophecies.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3750 - Introduction to New Testament

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the literature, history, and religion of early Christianity.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3760 - The Four Gospels

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Literary and historical study of the four Gospels in the Christian Bible, aiming to discern their purposes in writing, reconstruct their communities, and reflect on the meaning of their presentations of Jesus. Some attention to the problem of the historical Jesus.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3770 - The Letters of Paul

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Literary and historical study of the letters of Paul. When and why they were written, and how they fit into the development of the early Jesus movement. Some consideration of the biography of Paul and his influence. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • REL 3780 - Apocalypse of John

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    A literary and historical study of the Book of Revelation in its original setting with a consideration of its ongoing influence.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3790 - Topics in Greco-Roman Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of selected topics related to the practice of religion in the Greco-Roman world. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • REL 3810 - Anthropology of Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    (also listed as ATH 4020) Introduction to the anthropological study of religions of the world and how they relate to other domains of human cultural existence. Examples of contemporary nonwestern religions and other world religions. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • REL 3820 - Sociology of Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    (Also listed as SOC 3110) General treatment of religion as a social institution, examining the influence of religious ideas and organizations on other social institutions and the influence of society on religion.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3900 - Topics in Philosophy of Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Selected topics in the philosophy of religion.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3930 - Faith and Reason

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to issues in philosophy of religion. Topics vary.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 3940 - Existentialism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to 20th century philosophical and literary movement. Emphasis on concrete existence and passions over abstract rationality, conception of self as a product of radically free acts of self-creation, affirmation of uncertainty and absurdity as inescapable elements of the human condition, and rejection of traditional ethical systems.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 4100 - Seminar on Judaism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Topics Vary. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
    Course attributes: Integrated Writing
  • REL 4500 - Seminar on American Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Selected topics related to the history and practice of religion in America. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required, Integrated Writing
  • REL 4810 - Independent Study

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 4
    Faculty-directed, individualized study on student-selected topics. Limited to majors and advanced students. Permission of department and a minimum 3.0 GPA required.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required
  • REL 4930 - Seminar in Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Intensive study and discussion of a significant topic in religion studies. Students will conduct semester long research projects culminating in a seminar paper. Titles vary. Integrated Writing course.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required, Integrated Writing
  • REL 4970 - Senior Project

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Guided research culminating in a major paper on a topic chosen by the student and the instructor. Students develop a comprehensive bibliography, prepare a detailed outline, and write and revise the final project. May be completed for Honors.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
    Course attributes: Department Approval Required
  • REL 5100 - Topics in Judaism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Topics vary.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5110 - Judaism: Faith & People

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of Judaism as a religious faith and people, with special reference to formative historical, social, ethnic, and cultural factors.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5120 - Modern Jewish Thought

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of the major themes and issues in the works of contemporary Jewish thinkers (e.g., Borowitz, Herberg, Fackenheim, Kaplan, Rothschild, Heschel, Rubenstein, and Weisel).
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5200 - Topics in Christianity

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of selected topics related to the history and practice of Christianity.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5210 - Christianity

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of the historical development of Christianity from biblical times to the present, with an emphasis on the diversity of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5300 - Topics in Islam

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Topics on Islamic religion and religious practices.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5310 - Introduction to Islam

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the Islamic belief systems and practices, from the rise of Islam to the modern era.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5320 - Islam in the Modern World

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Study of how Muslim thinkers and theologians have responded to the challenges of the modern era.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5400 - Topics in Asian Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Studies in the religious dimension of Asian cultures, with emphasis on historical, social, and aesthetic perspectives.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5410 - Chinese Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introductory survey of religious thought and practice in Chinese history and culture. Primary focus will be on Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. Themes examined include: religion and politics in Chinese history, human nature and self-cultivation, and conceptions of the sage in Chinese religions.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5420 - Japanese Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Historical and contemporary survey of religious life in Japan. Primary focus on Shinto, both early Shinto and later nationalistic Shinto, the varieties of Japanese Buddhism, and Japanese new religions. Topics include: religious doctrine, faith and devotion, self-cultivation and enlightenment, monasticism, and religion and the state.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5430 - Buddhism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Exploration of Buddhism in terms of its philosophy, rituals, art, architecture, and social practices, with particular emphasis on its origins in South Asia and its spread to the regions of Southeast Asia and Tibet. Study of how to read and critically analyze Buddhist texts and think about Buddhism in historic and anthropological terms.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5440 - Hinduism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Exploration of some of the major beliefs and practices of Hinduism, an ancient, widely practiced, and amazingly diverse religious tradition.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Recitation Combination
  • REL 5450 - Daoism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    A survey of the various expressions of Daoism in Chinese religious and intellectual history. Includes classical Daoist writings such as: Inward Training, the Daode jing, and the Zhuangzi. Topics include religion and politics, cosmology, self-cultivation, and the Daoist sage. Focus will also include more contemporary expressions of Daoism such as: influential Western interpretations of Daoism, Daoism and ecology, and Daoist body cultivation.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5460 - Confucianism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    A survey of Confucianism in Chinese history beginning with various classical expressions of Confucian thought such as: Confucius Analects, Mencius, and Xunzi. Focus on two influential Neo-Confucian thinkers: Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming. Consideration of the modern fate of Confucianism in Chinese society and culture. Important topics include: heaven, human nature and self-cultivation, conceptions of the sage, and Confucian political philosophy.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5470 - Zen Buddhism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Survey of the history, doctrines, and practices of Zen Buddhism in China, Japan, and the West. Focus on important contributions and innovations of seminal figures in the tradition such as: Bodhidharma, Huineng, and Linji in China; and Eisai, Dogen, and Hakuin in Japan. Particular attention devoted to Zen meditative practices, understandings of enlightenment, influence on art and culture, and distinctiveness as a school of Buddhism.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5480 - Hindu Mythology

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Exploration of the following questions: What is myth and why is it significant for the study of religion? Can we speak of a Hindu mythology? How have Hindus organized their sacred narratives and what kinds of religious themes do these stories convey? How are Hindu sacred narratives related to Hindu beliefs and practices? How have scholars analyzed Hindu mythic traditions? What intellectual issues are at stake in reading mythology across cultures?
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture/Recitation Combination
  • REL 5490 - Hindu Goddesses

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Exploration of conceptualizations of the divine feminine in one of the oldest, largest, and most complex religious traditions in the world, Hinduism. Approach combines textual, historic, and anthropological resources to understand the nature of the various Hindu goddesses and how they are worshiped.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5510 - Comparative Asian Mysticism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of the religious phenomenon and category of mysticism in various Asian traditions including Daoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism (both early Indian Buddhism and Japanese Zen). Particular topics include: the nature of mystical and religious experience in general; the relationship between religious experience and other aspects of religions, such as religious practice, doctrine, and language; and the question of the universality of mystical experience.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5520 - Western Mysticisms

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Studies expressions of spirituality by exploring mysticism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5530 - Asian Religious Ethics

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Exploration of ethics and morality as construed in a variety of Asian religious traditions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Confucianism. Reading of primary sources ranging from analytic ethical debates to popular folktales in which moral and immoral behavior figure prominently. Exposure to a variety of cultural approaches to universal human problems and critical reading of primary sources.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5540 - Asian Religions and Ecology

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    An examination of Asian religious perspectives (Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, and Shinto) on the meaning and value of the natural world and the relationship between human beings and nature. Focuses on environmental ethics in comparative Asian perspective.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5550 - Human Rights in China

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Survey of the debate on human rights in China in relation to events in modern Chinese history such as: the fall of imperial rule, the Nationalist and Communist revolutions, the Cultural Revolution, and the Tiananmen Square massacre. Focus to include measuring the impact of Confucianism on current Chinese thinking regarding the themes of modernization, democratization, and human rights. Examination extends beyond China to other regions including Singapore, Taiwan, and Tibet.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5600 - Topics in American Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of selected topics related to the history and practice of religion in America.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5610 - Religion in America

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Historical exploration of the variety of forms of religious expression in America and the role of religion in American life.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5620 - New Religious Movements in America

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examines a variety of new religious movements in America, including Shakers, Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Christian Scientists.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5630 - Women and Religion in America

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of the role women have played in American religious history, with special reference to the diversity of women’s religious experiences.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5640 - Religion and Politics in America

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of both the historical and the contemporary relation between religion and politics in America, with special reference to the legal principle of church/state separation.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5700 - Topics in Biblical Literature

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of selected aspects of Biblical literature from both literary and historical perspectives to explore the possible structures, functions, and meanings of this literature for its original community.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5720 - Pentateuch

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examines patriarchal narratives and Mosaic legislation in the Pentateuch or Torah as the bedrock of the Bible.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5730 - Genesis

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examines Genesis as the foundation of the Bible in context with cultural tales such as the ancient Mesopotamian creation and flood myths.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5740 - Prophets and History

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examines historical context of Biblical prophets and prophecies in terms of historical, religious, national, and moral implications.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5750 - New Testament Introduction

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Introduction to the literature, history, and religion of early Christianity.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5760 - The Four Gospels

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Literary and historical study of the four Gospels in the Christian Bible, aiming to discern their purposes in writing, reconstruct their communities, and reflect on the meaning of their presentations of Jesus. Some attention to the problem of the Historical Jesus.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5770 - The Letters of Paul

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Literary and historical study of the letters of Paul, aiming to discover when and why they were written and how they fit into the development of the early Jesus movement. Some consideration of the biography of Paul and his influence.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5780 - Apocalypse of John

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    A literary and historical study of the Book of Revelation in its original setting with a consideration of its ongoing influence.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5790 - Topics in Greco-Roman Religions

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of selected topics related to the practice of religion in the Greco-Roman world.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5810 - Anthropology of Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    (Also listed as ATH 6020) Anthropological approach to the meaning and function of religion in social life and the nature of the thought or belief systems that gave rise to different forms of religious life. Emphasis on primitive and peasant societies.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5820 - Sociology of Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    (Also listed as SOC 5110.) Treatment of religion as a social institution. Examines the influence of religious ideas and organizations on other social institutions, and the influence of society on religion.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5900 - Topics in Philosophy of Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examination of selected topics related to the philosophy of religion.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5930 - Faith and Reason

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Issues in the philosophy of religion. Topics vary.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 5940 - Existentialism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    (Also listed as PHL 5090.) Introduction to 20th century philosophical and literary movement. Emphasis on concrete existence and the passions over abstract rationality, conception of self as a product of radically free acts of self-creation, affirmation of uncertainty and absurdity as inescapable elements of the human condition, and rejection of traditional ethical systems.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture
  • REL 6100 - Seminar on Judaism

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Examines problems, approaches, and topics in the field of Judaism. Topics vary.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
  • REL 6500 - Seminar on American Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Seminar examining selected topics related to the history and practice of religion in America.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar
  • REL 6810 - Independent Study

    Credit Hour(s): 1 to 4
    Faculty-directed, individualized study on student-selected topics. Limited to advanced students. Permission of faculty and a minimum 3.5 GPA required.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Independent Study
  • REL 6930 - Seminar in Religion

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Intensive study and discussion of a significant topic in religious studies. Students will conduct semester long projects culminating in a seminar paper. Titles vary.
    Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate, Medical, Professional.

    Level: Graduate
    Schedule Type(s): Seminar


  • RUS 1010 - Beginning Russian I

    Credit Hour(s): 3
    Communicative introduction into Russian language and culture. Study of vocabulary and structure of the Russian language; practice in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Taught in Russian.
    Level: Undergraduate
    Schedule Type(s): Lecture

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