Jan 02, 2025
2024-2025 Academic Catalog
EE 2011L - Analog Circuit Techniques Lab Credit Hour(s): 1
Course Description: Computer-assisted analysis, RLC circuits, operational amplifiers and circuits, Thevenin and Norton equivalents, maximum power transfer, and AC networks.
Intended for BSECET majors. May not be taken for credit if students have taken EE 2010/L.
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level MTH 2240 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level EGR 1010 Minimum Grade of C
Corequisite(s): EE2011
Enrollment Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.
Course Level: Undergraduate Schedule Type(s): Lab
Grade Mode: Standard An additional fee is associated with this course.