Jan 02, 2025
2024-2025 Academic Catalog
CS 4850 - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Credit Hour(s): 3
Course Description: Problem-solving methods in artificial intelligence (AI) with emphasis on heuristic approaches. Topics include methods of representation, search, intelligent agents, planning, learning, natural language processing, logic, inference, robotics, and case-based reasoning.
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate level CS 3100 Minimum Grade of C and (Undergraduate level STT 3600 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level STT 3630 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level ISE 2211 Minimum Grade of D)
Enrollment Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following degrees: Intending Egr & CS, Pre_Degree. Must be enrolled in one of the following colleges: College of Egr & Computer Sci.
Course Level: Undergraduate Schedule Type(s): Lecture
Grade Mode: Standard An additional fee is associated with this course.